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Regular attendance at school is vital if a pupil is to make good progress.

If a child is absent from school, parents are asked to let the school know by telephone or email each day. It is essential that we account for each child every day to ensure they are safe at home with an adult. If we do not receive a phone call we will call parents to obtain a reason for the absence.

Absence is monitored carefully. Where a pupil’s attendance is causing concern we will contact parents to discuss how we might work together to improve it. Where there is insufficient reason to justify excessive absence, the Education Welfare Officer will contact the family.

Medical Appointments

The Department for Education has passed emergency regulations that introduce flexibility in the way that appeals are held, given the current social distancing measures in place. They have also amended some of the deadlines surrounding the timescales. The Appeals Team within the Local Authority as well as every admission authority in the county that makes arrangements for independent appeals to be heard, will be investigating ways of dealing with appeals using written representations, as well as bringing panels together via telephone or other means. Please see below the information in relation to appeals and how to appeal for Academy Schools.

Holidays in Term Time

Please be aware that in taking a holiday during term time your child may miss key learning opportunities. Parents, who wish to take children on holiday at times other than the school holidays, should apply for and return a holiday form to the Headteacher via the school office at least 4 weeks prior to the intended absence. A copy of the form can be downloaded by following the link below.

On 1 September 2013, the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 came into force, changing the rules about term-time holidays.
The amendments remove references to family holidays and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of 10 school days.
The amendments specify that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless they consider there to be “exceptional circumstances” for doing so. If leave is granted, headteachers should determine the number of days a child can be away from school.
Following this change to the law, it is extremely unlikely that any holiday request during term time will be agreed. Cases will be looked at on an individual basis and written proof may be required by the school.
An exceptional circumstance is much more likely to be a one-off, unique situation. The examples of what might constitute exceptional circumstances might include:

  • A parent or grandparent is seriously/terminally ill and the holiday proposed is likely to be the last such holiday
  • There has recently been a death or other significant trauma in the family and it is felt that an immediate holiday might help the child concerned better deal with the situation
  • The holiday is a unique, never to be repeated, occasion which can only take place at the time requested

A headteacher will not accept as an exceptional circumstance the fact that a holiday is cheaper during term time.
In some cases a parent’s employer might restrict holidays to a certain time-period. In these circumstances the headteacher may ask for written confirmation from the employer.

The headteacher will also look very carefully at the child’s previous attendance record and should he or she have concerns, for example should the child’s average attendance be below 95%, it is highly unlikely that the headteacher will agree to authorise any further absence.

The school will only authorise holidays in exceptional circumstances.