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Curriculum Intent

Our ambitious Curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child can succeed by offering knowledge rich and exciting learning experiences with Christian values at the heart.

The curriculum ensures that academic success, creativity and problem solving, responsibility and resilience, as well as physical development, well-being and mental health are key elements that support the development of the whole child to promote a positive attitude to learning. High expectations are channelled for all children with equitable challenge supported by high quality resources. The curriculum celebrates the diversity and utilises the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of both local Worcestershire community, and global community, while supporting the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our curriculum is underpinned by our school vision and will enable our young people to become:

  • Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.


The curriculum has been designed to deliver teaching and learning experiences that ensure coverage and progression of key skills and knowledge. High quality visits and visitors are also chosen to enhance the curriculum and provide children with memorable experiences from which they can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. Subject leaders lead a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation, review. This celebration of good practice contributes to the ongoing commitment to improve children’s outcomes.

The St Barnabas curriculum is delivered through single subject teaching. Where key learning is interconnected, teachers sequence complementary subjects carefully, making links between objectives and key areas. This enables rich dialogue across subjects, together with making deeper links and opportunities for retrieval practice. We do not teach 'Topics’ at St Barnabas from Y1 -Y7, as these are often forged on tenuous links with activities  made to ‘fit’ into a topic. Key learning objectives with activities which children can show progress are planned and delivered.

There are Policies for all curriculum areas which are written in a similar format.  They each recognise the importance of maintaining a safe environment for our children.  Staff and pupils are aware of the Health and Safety issues associated with the different curriculum areas.  All children have equal access to the different curriculum areas and all policies are assessed for Equality Impact. 

Each policy is formally reviewed on a biannual basis (except for Computing which is done annually).  However, Subject leaders annually review the progress and the needs of their subject to ensure the further development of their subject.

Equality Statement

St Barnabas is committed to ensuring equality of education, and opportunity for all students, staff, parents, guardians or carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background.

We are proud of the diversity within our school community and have due regard to:

  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations and positive attitudes between all characteristics and different groups in all of its activities

This perspective is embedded and expected in all our policies and practices to ensure discrimination and inequality are tackled appropriately.

Special Educational Needs

Each curriculum area has an 'Adaptive Teaching' set of strategies to ensure all children have access to the full curriculum ensuring we are fully compliant with our duties as set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 


Subjects are taught in themes in the Early Years and the curriculum covers the seven areas of the EY curriculum.

At St Barnabas C E First & Middle School we teach the requirements as set out in the National Curriculum for all curriculum areas (Local Agreed Syllabus RE / Model Music Curriculum)

Each subject is taught as a distinct area in its own right. Learning is sequential and progressive in knowledge, skills and understanding. Cross-curricular links are only formed when it is deemed beneficial to the learning.





Other curricular subjects

Published assessed pieces

CanDo Maths; Kangaroo Maths.

Pre-learning and post-learning low-stakes quizzes

St. Barnabas curriculum maps (NC coverage; Pzaz Science; Activate)

Agreed RE Syllabus & Understanding Christianity

St. Barnabas curriculum maps (NC coverage)

The English teaching sequence

The Maths teaching sequence

Science Lab - specialist teaching facility

Christian Values incorporated.

Skills progression

Progression maps

Progression maps

Working Scientifically, Skills and Knowledge Progression maps

Daily Collective Worship

Vocabulary development across the school

NC objectives

NC objectives

Vocabulary development across the school

Church and community links

Learning Organisers

Accelerated Reader (KS2/ KS3)

Fluency, reasoning, problem solving

Maths Masctos: Timmy the TryTryTriceratops, Colin and Coco.

Knowledge Organisers

St. Barnabas’ approach to Spirituality

Enrichment opportunities for all

Rising Stars: Reading Planet (EYFS - KS1)

Mini Maths

Post-learning assessments


Equality of provision

Reading Gems


3 x PPM per year

SEND identified and planned for in QFT

Rising Stars: Rocket Phonics

3 x data collections per year

‘Rapid graspers’ identified and planned for in QFT

Whole-school text map

Leadership interviews

Misconceptions addressed via pre-post learning assessments

St. Barnabas’ approach to handwriting

Monitoring: formal observations, learning walks, work scrutiny, planning monitoring, pupil voice

All observations, referrals and PM targets to be shared as appropriate

St. Barnabas’ approach to spelling

Internal and external moderation


For further information, please contact us at school by email to or by telephone on 01905 840366.