Medical Information
Parents are requested to inform the school of any known medical information that may affect the child at school – particularly if information changes during your child’s time at school.
Unless medicine needs to be taken four times a day, it should stay at home and be administered by you. Only medicines prescribed by a Doctor are permitted and only if the Doctor advises it to be safe to come to school.
Eye/nose/ear drops can only be administered by a parent.
If your child needs to take medicines three times a day please give your child medicine before school, after school and before bedtime. If it is impossible to give all medicines at home, please make arrangements with the School Secretary. You will be asked to complete a Medical Request form, a copy of which can be found at the bottom of this page.
All medicine brought into school must be in its original prescription container and clearly marked with the child’s name and the necessary instructions for administering same. Such medicines will be kept in the School Office during the day and should be collected by the parent or child at the end of the day. (It might be advisable for you to keep some extra medicine at home in case the medicine is forgotten at the end of the day.)
Illness in School
If your child becomes ill at school, we will attempt to contact you on your emergency number, so that your child can go home. We make your child as comfortable as possible in the Medical Room until he or she can be collected.
Illness - P.E. and Playtimes
As a rule of thumb, if your child is well enough to come to school, he or she is well enough to do P.E., swimming, Forest School and go out to play. Only in exceptional cases will we allow your child to “miss” P.E. and playtime and only with a written (or personal) request. If a child cannot take part in a P.E. lesson the teacher will always try and involve them in other ways such as refereeing or coaching a small group.
Medical Conditions - Health Care Plans
If your child has a diagnosed health condition or Allergy and could require emergency medical attention during the school day, please complete the appropriate Care Plan form that is available to download. Alternatively these forms are available from the school office.
Please Note: It is imperative the school is made aware of any medical conditions your child may have at your earliest convenience.